Monday, November 5, 2012

Thankful Series Begins

I decided to take the "I'm Thankful For..." challenge that is on facebook.  But instead I would do it on my blog.  I have a few days to catch up on since it's now November 5th but I'm pretty sure I can do it!

November 1
I'm thankful for Aaron.  I know, I know, cliche, but it's true.  He's completely changed my world and I love him more everyday.  He's kind and sweet when he wants to be or needs to be.  But he's also the silliest/goofiest guy I know.  He's full of random knowledge that I love to tap into.  He's a computer nerd and he admits it.  He can make any bad day a good day.  He can calm me down in an instant.  He can make me smile even when I'm so mad at him that I can scream.  He is the best guy for me and I'm thankful that I get say he's mine! I look forward to marrying him (hopefully in the relatively near future) one day.  I never thought I would meet someone like him.  He's absolutely wonderful!


November 2
I'm thankful for my Mom.  She is one of my best friends in the whole world.  She lets me vent when I need to.  She can always bring me back down to earth.  She has taught me the volunteering my time is a good thing (and she's only done this by example).  We have a blast when we are wine tasting or shopping.  She was hard on me growing up and still can be pretty hard on me but I know (now) that it's only because she wants me to be the best Becky possible.  She truly is an inspiration and one my heroes.  I don't think anyone has a better Mom than I do!
My Mom is in the blue tasting in South Dakota

My Mom with one of our "adopted" youth on the youth trip last summer
P.S.  Aaron's cigarette total as of right now since Sunday, October 28th is 2!

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