Thursday, November 8, 2012

Finally Caught Up

November 7
I'm thankful for my job.  I'm thankful for the challenges it brings me almost everyday.  I'm thankful for the friends I've made through my job.  We are going through a re-structuring right now and there are a tremendous amount of headaches associated with that.  I'm trying to stay positive about it and remember that there are people who do not have a job and desperately want a job.  Maybe blogging that will help me remember it better?!?!?!?!

November 8
I'm thankful for the best family in the world.  I know I've already been thankful for each individual person in my immediate family but I'm incredibly thankful for my extended family (grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, etc.) as well.  We are a very close knit group on both sides of the family.  I love it.  I can't imagine life without my amazing cousins.  I love that I have cousins that are my age as well as way younger (like 1 year old).  I also love that I have aunts who I can call at the drop of a hat just to chat or to cry or laugh with.  Aaron says he's never met anyone who is this close with their extended family, but I wouldn't trade it for anything!  Sure it makes life holidays a little difficult to plan but it's worth it in the end!  The thing that I love the most is that we are all over the country but still find ways to connect and stay in touch!  I hope my kids are lucky enough to be close with their cousins and maybe even my cousins' kids!
Whole family on my Mom's side
A good portion of Dad's side

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