Tuesday, April 3, 2012


Let me tell you about Jerry...he's a raccoon.  He lives in the ceiling above Aaron's bathroom!  Not fun!!!  He's also huge.  Like you can see the ceiling tiles sag when he walks around....no good!

We first noticed Jerry about 3 months ago.  Aaron took down a ceiling tile because "something" (Jerry) had broken it.  This ceiling tile happened to be above the shower.  I asked Aaron what he thought had broken the ceiling tile and he said "Oh I think there is an animal that got in."  This was said very nonchalant.  I asked what kind of animal.  His response was "eh probably a raccoon."  GREAT!  AWESOME! FANTASTIC!  And you expect me to still shower in that bathroom on occasion....

I immediately said I thought we should get rid of him.  Aaron's response was "Yea we should...I'll figure it out."  Did Aaron figure it out?  Nope!  Then Aaron's mom started talking about how she thinks there is a raccoon living under the main part of the house (which is code for:  above the ceiling in the basement).  I confirmed with her that there is in fact a raccoon living down there.  

After a couple of weeks I got used to hearing this stupid, disgusting animal and decided that if he wasn't going to go away he was going to get a name so he became Jerry.  Anytime I was there I would have Aaron go bang on the ceiling tiles to scare Jerry away.  And I was constantly bug him about making Jerry go away.  You must know that before Jersey had a kennel at Aaron's house we would lock him in the bathroom when we left.  The bathroom that Jerry resides in.  If Jersey were to meet Jerry Jersey would not come out of it alive. 

Then one day I was taking a shower and Jerry came tearing across the ceiling and made that horrendous raccoon screeching noise as we made eye contact and he almost fell onto me in the shower.  I immediately jumped out of the shower, wrapped myself in a towel and ran out to wake up Aaron and make him get rid of Jerry.  I ran into the bedroom screamed at Aaron to wake up and he looked at me and said "Becky you're soaking wet." 

My response?  "Really?  I hadn't noticed.  Oh wait, maybe it's because I was just about 2 steps away from Jerry mauling my face in the shower.  Get out of bed and go scare him away RIGHT NOW."

Aaron got out of bed then and came over to give me a hug in an attempt to calm down and said "You have soap all over you.  And you still have conditioner in your hair."

I just glared at him and pointed to the bathroom.  He promptly scared Jerry away and I returned to the shower and finished everything in about 2.3 seconds.

Since then Aaron's Mom has said she's seen Jerry on the deck and she's pretty sure he weighs about 50 pounds.  Again I say AWESOME!

Last night, Aaron went outside on the deck and said he thought he saw Jerry.  But he wasn't sure.  Then he said "Well whatever it was was huge.  He(Jerry) walked away and the entire deck shook."

This morning Aaron got up to scare Jerry away for me(something he now does every morning we stay there but I was unaware he was doing this) and came back into his room and said "Jerry's really big.  When I was scaring him away this morning I noticed the ceiling tiles sagging and he was making a lot of noise."  Again I just glared at him....have I not been saying this since Day 1?

So Stephanie is going to see if we can borrow a trap from her boss so we can trap him and then I intend to shoot the little jerk about 25 times!  I'll keep ya posted!

1 comment:

Abby said...

Let me know how shooting that thing 25 times works out for you :P