Monday, April 30, 2012

Lucky Day

Everyone has had those mornings when you are driving to work and you zone out because your car knows how to get you to work and all of the sudden you are going 10 over the speed limit....

This morning I stopped to get a coffee and started on my way to work from Caribou.  This is like a 5 mile drive...I zoned out and decided it would be a good idea to check my facebook then.  My car knows how to get to work.  It's a pretty easy drive from there.  Just then I look over to see a cop waiting for people like me to drive by speeding.

I quickly looked down to see I was going 55 in a 45.  I let off the gas and threw my phone down only to hear the dang sirens.

I found a safe place to pull over and thought to myself...Shit, it's Monday morning and the last day of the month.  I'm screwed.

Mr. Officer comes walking up to my car and says "Ma'am (UGH!) I clocked you going 60 in a 45 and I saw that you were on your phone.  Were you aware that you were going this fast and what were you doing on your phone?"

My response was "I didn't know I was going that fast.  I'm running a little late for work (truth).  And there was an alarm going off on my phone (lie)."

He quickly asked if I worked at Park which I just ask quickly confirmed.  He asked for my license and proof of insurance which I had already gotten out of my wallet and promptly provided to him.  And he walked back to his car.

As I watched in the mirror I knew I was a goner.  Like I said before...Monday morning and last day of the month...both spell Screwed to me.

I saw him get back out of his car and start towards me and I notice Mr. Officer is not holding his little board for me to sign my ticket!  I got very excited but held the excitement in until I was finished conversing with Mr. Officer.

Mr. Officer said "Well Rebecca, I'm going to let you off with a warning.  Please just slow down.  Since you work at Park you know this is a busy time of day around here.  And please stay off your phone while your driving.  Especially on major highways."

I immediately said "Thank  you so much sir!  You have a great day!"

He smiled and walked away!

As soon as I got down the road I called Aaron (oops) and opened with "I just got pulled over."

His response?  "Oh great much is that going to cost you?"

I responded with "Nothing...he let me off!"

Aaron questioned it...asking if I cried or flirted my way out of it.  I just laughed and told him nope!  He laughed at me and told me he would never be that lucky and to get to work.  

Bottom Line:  Thank you Mr. Officer for keeping my Getting-Pulled-Over-But-Not-Getting-A-Ticket streak alive and well at 3!!!!

Monday, April 23, 2012

My Plant

I have a plant in my office....

Aaron's mom bought 3 amaryllis' a few months ago and decided I needed to take one to work.  So I don't just have a plant...I have an amaryllis. 

According to Google an amaryllis is supposed to look like this:
 Pretty right?  Mine looks like this:

Not so pretty!  

I didn't have the heart to tell Aaron's Mom that I do not do well with plants.  I'm doing good keeping myself and Jersey alive.  

On the positive side she told me she thinks they were bum plants anyway and probably won't bloom and I should probably just throw it out.  I think I'm going to see how long it takes to get another leaf....