Look that's us all young and stuff! We were cute! I love this picture! We were famous....this picture was in Tim and Connie's college's newspaper! FAMOUS!
Anyway, these two people are absolutely amazing. They have been married for almost 29 years....WOW! And I've never seen them more in love in those 29 years than they are right now! I am the most knowledgeable person on this since I have been in their lives basically everyday for those 29 years minus 5 months! Wanna make it hard on your kids to find the person they want to marry? Act like Tim and Connie! Kiss in the kitchen. Make your kids uncomfortable with your "make out" sessions. But, seriously, I believe they are the sole reason that I am not married yet. When the relationship you have as your point of reference is a relationship like that you're screwed! Matt agrees!
Now, don't get me wrong...I'm glad I have this relationship as my point of reference. If not I probably would have settled and married someone just to get married and never would have met Aaron and therefore, would have not met someone who compliments me the way Tim and Connie compliment each other.
We've had our ups and downs. What parent/child relationship doesn't? There were rough years. But for the most part now it's all good! We laugh. We drink wine. We text. We're friends and I would not have it any other way.

A more recent picture of the lovebirds! So cute!
This is me and my Daddy:

I tell you what....this guy is awesome! He is always happy and always has fun doing whatever it is he is doing. I'm pretty sure he has never met a stranger. And when you get him talking about something he is excited about he doesn't shut up. He's a gigantic teddy bear but everyone is afraid of him when they meet him. And anyone who says they aren't are liars! He's the best Dad a girl could ever ask for! He texts me whenever he hears "On the Dark Side" by John Cafferty and the Beaver Brown Band (Eddie and the Cruisers for all of you cool kids) or "Brown-eyed Girl" just because he knows I love those songs.
This is KT, my Mom, and I:

You can't tell at all that I'm her daughter can you? Aaron says he doesn't think I look just like her. I think it's absurd that people say we look EXACTLY ALIKE but people say we do. My Mom is amazing! She's a workaholic and that's ok. She's always stressed but she knows how to have fun! She's the first person I go to when I have a problem. We butt heads a lot but we work. She has taught me what it means to be a mother and wife and still work. We drink wine together, eat cheese together, watch sappy movies together, and in general have fun together! We talk on the phone at least once a day and have ever since I went off to college. When I can't talk to her I kinda freak out. She is not afraid to tell me the things I need to hear but don't want to hear (the source of many of our head buttings). But the best part is that she has always accepted me for who I am and has always encouraged me to do what is going to make me happy.
Wow....another freakishly long post! But, I have barely even scraped the surface of Tim and Connie. If ya get a chance to meet them do! You won't be sorry!
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