Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Summer is here...wait...

It's 77 degrees outside in beautiful Kansas City right now....how is that possible on March 13th?  I'm pretty sure we never had winter this year...sadly enough!  I definitely plan on at least enjoying this weather a little bit when I get home.  Jersey is going to get to go on a nice long walk!  Maybe even long enough to wear the little bugger out!

I'm sure in a couple months when it is like 110 degrees out I will be praying for fall/winter but right now I'm pretty ok with the fact that we skipped winter this year.

However, this weather does make me want to sit by the pool all day...Ugh I blame Stephanie for this!  Before last summer I liked being by the pool as much as the next person.  I definitely did not hate it but it wasn't the first thing I wanted to do every summer.  Now, it's all I want to do!  Stephanie has turned me into a sun-worshiper!  Why isn't my pool open yet?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Days like this I wish we could move our office outside.