As you may or may not have noticed I've made some changes to my little piece of internet. Along with aesthetic changes I'm also going to change the way I blog. Currently I just blog about whatever but starting next Monday I will be blogging about specific things on specific days. Here's the breakdown of the days:
Monday: Mob Monday
I will highlight a friend or family member on this day. Either by telling you about that person or telling you a story involving that person or group of people
Tuesday: Trendy Tuesday
I will give you my review of a current pop culture item or two in my life. This could be anything from the last song I heard on the radio or the book I'm reading or a tv show I recently watched or anything else you can dream of in pop culture.
Wednesday: Workin' Wednesday
I will tell you about a current or recent project that I am working on or completed.
Thursday: Jersday
Ok, I know I stole this from Jersey Shore but it's fitting. This will be the day about Jersey. Could be a story or just some pictures to let you know about the little furry guy!
Friday: Fancies & Frets Friday
This will act as a summary to my week. It will be a rants and raves day. I'll list my 5 fancies and my 5 frets for the week for your enjoyment!
All of this will start next prepared!!
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