Tuesday, June 5, 2012


As you may or may not have noticed I've made some changes to my little piece of internet.  Along with aesthetic changes I'm also going to change the way I blog.  Currently I just blog about whatever but starting next Monday I will be blogging about specific things on specific days.  Here's the breakdown of the days:

Monday:  Mob Monday
I will highlight a friend or family member on this day.  Either by telling you about that person or telling you a story involving that person or group of people

Tuesday:  Trendy Tuesday
I will give you my review of a current pop culture item or two in my life.  This could be anything from the last song I heard on the radio or the book I'm reading or a tv show I recently watched or anything else you can dream of in pop culture.

Wednesday:  Workin' Wednesday
I will tell you about a current or recent project that I am working on or completed.

Thursday:  Jersday
Ok, I know I stole this from Jersey Shore but it's fitting.  This will be the day about Jersey.  Could be a story or just some pictures to let you know about the little furry guy!

Friday:  Fancies & Frets Friday
This will act as a summary to my week.  It will be a rants and raves day.  I'll list my 5 fancies and my 5 frets for the week for your enjoyment!

All of this will start next week....be prepared!!

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