Friday, February 24, 2012

A Day Off = Cleaning

Set the Stage:  Aaron's House

I woke up yesterday morning barely able to move...big thanks to my back!  I took some drugs, text my boss that I wouldn't be in today, and went back to bed.  I woke up a few hours later feeling pretty alright. Aaron decided since we both now had the day off we should clean the house....not something I enjoy at all!  But, we did it....we cleaned Aaron's bedroom (which is a feat in and of itself), Aaron's bathroom (again, amazing!), and I did all of Aaron's laundry.  I'm such a good girlfriend!

Jersey didn't do much cleaning.  But he sure did have a fun time not being in his kennel all day.  He thought it was pretty great that he got to run around the house all day while Aaron and I were busy bees.  He thought it was so great  he had to get all cozy in bed and take a little siesta.  Here's a picture of the little bugger relaxin' while we do all the work:

Aaron decided it wasn't all that fair that Jersey got to take a nap and he didn't.  So he decided to "Take Five" and join Jersey in the napping.  This is what I found:

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