Set the Stage: Trinity Lutheran Church Kearney, Missouri
Aaron was baptized this past Sunday! Whoop Whoop! I'm so proud of him and this decision he made!
We had a packed pew at church for this momentous occasion. In the pew we had us, my family (Mom, Dad, KT, & Matt), Aaron's Mom, and the ever amazing friend to both of us, Stephanie!
Aaron loved the attention. All of the little old ladies told him that they were proud of him and how handsome he is. I didn't think it was possible for Aaron's head to grow larger than it already it is but by God it did on Sunday.
My favorite part of this event was after church a mother of one of the girl's (Shelby) in the youth group tell me that right after Aaron was baptized Shelby told her that Aaron is so cool. It made me smile! I think he's pretty cool but to have a 13-year old think it's cool to watch an adult get baptized was fantastic!
We had this huge dinner at Aaron's house Sunday night. Aaron's Mom made enough food for a small army. She invited my family and Stephanie and her boys for dinner. Where we all gorged ourselves. I had a food baby for a good solid 2 hours after dinner and then played Uno! It was a great night spent with some of the people we care about most.
And the best part out of all of this?!?!??!! Aaron is now Baptized into Christ!
The life/times/ramblings of Me. Throw in a chihuahua named Jersey and a big guy named Aaron plus my family (both blood and chosen) and you'll understand where everything comes from!
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Monday, February 27, 2012
Set the Stage: Aaron's Kitchen
Aaron and I started making lamps out of wine bottles a few months ago. Here's a few we have done:
The first lamp we made
Our champagne bottle from New sits on my bed stand:
Then we made a Captain Morgan lamp for Aaron's friend Chad:
Our friend Ida had a bottle of rum from Belize that she wanted made into a lamp...we of course obliged!
Aaron would like us to make these on the side for a little extra spending money. Stay tuned to see if we can pull this off!!!
While we make lamps Jersey runs around our feet wanting attention. Or he takes naps in his chair. This is not a picture of him taking a nap in his chair but it is a picture of the little Dickens when he is napping....he looks so sweet and innocent!
Aaron and I started making lamps out of wine bottles a few months ago. Here's a few we have done:
The first lamp we made
Our champagne bottle from New sits on my bed stand:
We made this one for LaDoga Ridge as a Thank You for the amazing wine pairing they did for us!
Then we made a Captain Morgan lamp for Aaron's friend Chad:
Aaron would like us to make these on the side for a little extra spending money. Stay tuned to see if we can pull this off!!!
While we make lamps Jersey runs around our feet wanting attention. Or he takes naps in his chair. This is not a picture of him taking a nap in his chair but it is a picture of the little Dickens when he is napping....he looks so sweet and innocent!
Friday, February 24, 2012
A Day Off = Cleaning
Set the Stage: Aaron's House
I woke up yesterday morning barely able to move...big thanks to my back! I took some drugs, text my boss that I wouldn't be in today, and went back to bed. I woke up a few hours later feeling pretty alright. Aaron decided since we both now had the day off we should clean the house....not something I enjoy at all! But, we did it....we cleaned Aaron's bedroom (which is a feat in and of itself), Aaron's bathroom (again, amazing!), and I did all of Aaron's laundry. I'm such a good girlfriend!
Jersey didn't do much cleaning. But he sure did have a fun time not being in his kennel all day. He thought it was pretty great that he got to run around the house all day while Aaron and I were busy bees. He thought it was so great he had to get all cozy in bed and take a little siesta. Here's a picture of the little bugger relaxin' while we do all the work:
Aaron decided it wasn't all that fair that Jersey got to take a nap and he didn't. So he decided to "Take Five" and join Jersey in the napping. This is what I found:
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
Valentine's Day....The Day For Pretty Presents!
Set the stage: Valentine's Day (Well, let's be honest, February 16) at Aaron's house
Aaron and I don't typically celebrate holidays on the actual holiday. So we didn't even do any celebrating for Valentine's Day on Valentine's Day. In fact, Aaron didn't even go shopping for my present until February 16th.
Anyway, a couple of weeks before Valentine's Day I told Stephanie that she should tell Aaron that I wanted to start an Expressions charm bracelet from Helzberg. We decided she would tell Aaron that this would be a great idea for Valentine's Day and then as big events come up in our lives we could buy a charm to remember them. My Mom happened to have an extra bracelet that she was not going to use so Stephanie informed Aaron of this as well. It was a simple present...all he had to do was pick out a charm and a couple of stoppers. I filled my Mom in on this little plan Stephanie and I had concocted and she slipped Aaron the bracelet in a drug deal sort of fashion before Valentine's Day.
So, fast forward to Thursday of last week when Aaron was off work...he went out to lunch with his boss and informed that he was going to go Valentine's shopping after that. When I got off work I asked him how shopping had gone and he gave me some story about how it had gone fine but he didn't get what he thought I wanted and blah blah blah. We went out to dinner with his Mom that night and he informed her that he had gone shopping at Cabela's for my present. Aaron is a pretty good story teller so he had her believing that he had thought about getting me a deer stand after he described me to the sales guy. And that he had looked at pink handguns for me. His Mom proceeded to shake her head at him and tell him that he better have gotten me something better than that.
When we got home from dinner I noticed a Helzberg bag on the incredibly dirty floorboard of Aaron's truck. So, me being me, I said, "Oh did ya go to Helzberg today?"
Aaron's response was "Shit! I didn't think you would be in the truck tonight."
I politely asked "Can I have my present tonight since I know it's from Helzberg now?"
His response was "Well I wanted to wait until Saturday but fine, you can have it tonight, take Jersey out while I get your present."
I, being incredibly excited to see what charm he had picked out, ran inside to take Jersey out. Aaron went immediately to his bedroom, shut and locked the door. I took Jersey out, and the little booger was thankfully very quick on relieving himself and we went back inside. Now, I was a little occupied because Jersey had decided that he needed to relieve himself on the bathroom floor before we got home. While I was taking care of Jersey's little mess Jersey (who absolutely adores Aaron and Aaron will never admit it but the feeling is mutual) started launching himself at Aaron's door. This made me laugh hysterically. Aaron came out of his room all sorts of in a tizzy because he was convinced I was throwing Jersey at the door to get his attention. I finally got calmed down and went into Aaron's bedroom where I proceeded to take a seat in his "Smoker's Chair." I was very calmly sitting there not pestering him to give me the present when he walked over with a little Helzberg jewelry bag and got down on one knee. I should probably interject at this point that Aaron has been getting a lot of pressure on Facebook to propose from my extended family because my cousin recently proposed to his girlfriend and we are apparently the next couple to get engaged. When Aaron went down to one knee I immediately said, "What the hell are you doing?" Aaron just laughed and threw the bag at me. I opened it and found this:
Didn't he do good? He's so sweet! After making him put it on my wrist we went upstairs to show it off to his Mom. Aaron then starts telling her this elaborate story about how Stephanie had told him that I had mentioned I would like to start a bracelet. I couldn't hold it in any longer and I just started laughing. Aaron's response was "You planned all of this...didn't you?"
So I asked, "Did you buy the bracelet or did you get it from Mom?"
His response was "You planning Little....Ugh, I love you!"
He proceeded to tell us how my Mom had slipped him the bracelet and told him exactly what he needed to buy. And the whole ordeal (they tried to get him to buy a ring and sign up for a credit card) he went through at Helzberg that afternoon. Needless to say, his Mom and I were rolling in laughter. It was a great first Valentine's Day!
Let's meet a couple cast members that were introduced today:
That's Aaron! Yep, I'm standing on a stool and am barely taller than him! He is a tech nerd...which sometimes comes in handy. We started dating in September 2011 and have never been happier. Aaron makes me laugh on a daily basis. We laugh like we are best friends, fight like we are married, and protect each other like we are siblings. I've turned him in a Wino. Aaron likes to create things. You'll see some of our creations later! He has made me a more self-confident person. He makes me smile on a daily smile with his over the top puke-in-your-mouth-lovey-doveyness! Love him!
Stephanie! What can I say about Stephanie? I met Stephanie a few years ago when I moved home after college. She is a Mom in the best Scout Troop EVER! Ok, I'm a little bias since my Dad is the Scoutmaster (you'll meet him later). Stephanie is an amazing person. She's always there for her friends and family. We enjoy drinking beer and wine together, looking at Cowboy butts, and jumping the Grand Canyon in every conversation we have. We always say we just alike...scary but also makes for really great stories. Stephanie introduced Aaron and I and we are forever grateful! Remember, Stephanie is also Jersey's girlfriend's Mom!
Aaron and I don't typically celebrate holidays on the actual holiday. So we didn't even do any celebrating for Valentine's Day on Valentine's Day. In fact, Aaron didn't even go shopping for my present until February 16th.
Anyway, a couple of weeks before Valentine's Day I told Stephanie that she should tell Aaron that I wanted to start an Expressions charm bracelet from Helzberg. We decided she would tell Aaron that this would be a great idea for Valentine's Day and then as big events come up in our lives we could buy a charm to remember them. My Mom happened to have an extra bracelet that she was not going to use so Stephanie informed Aaron of this as well. It was a simple present...all he had to do was pick out a charm and a couple of stoppers. I filled my Mom in on this little plan Stephanie and I had concocted and she slipped Aaron the bracelet in a drug deal sort of fashion before Valentine's Day.
So, fast forward to Thursday of last week when Aaron was off work...he went out to lunch with his boss and informed that he was going to go Valentine's shopping after that. When I got off work I asked him how shopping had gone and he gave me some story about how it had gone fine but he didn't get what he thought I wanted and blah blah blah. We went out to dinner with his Mom that night and he informed her that he had gone shopping at Cabela's for my present. Aaron is a pretty good story teller so he had her believing that he had thought about getting me a deer stand after he described me to the sales guy. And that he had looked at pink handguns for me. His Mom proceeded to shake her head at him and tell him that he better have gotten me something better than that.
When we got home from dinner I noticed a Helzberg bag on the incredibly dirty floorboard of Aaron's truck. So, me being me, I said, "Oh did ya go to Helzberg today?"
Aaron's response was "Shit! I didn't think you would be in the truck tonight."
I politely asked "Can I have my present tonight since I know it's from Helzberg now?"
His response was "Well I wanted to wait until Saturday but fine, you can have it tonight, take Jersey out while I get your present."
I, being incredibly excited to see what charm he had picked out, ran inside to take Jersey out. Aaron went immediately to his bedroom, shut and locked the door. I took Jersey out, and the little booger was thankfully very quick on relieving himself and we went back inside. Now, I was a little occupied because Jersey had decided that he needed to relieve himself on the bathroom floor before we got home. While I was taking care of Jersey's little mess Jersey (who absolutely adores Aaron and Aaron will never admit it but the feeling is mutual) started launching himself at Aaron's door. This made me laugh hysterically. Aaron came out of his room all sorts of in a tizzy because he was convinced I was throwing Jersey at the door to get his attention. I finally got calmed down and went into Aaron's bedroom where I proceeded to take a seat in his "Smoker's Chair." I was very calmly sitting there not pestering him to give me the present when he walked over with a little Helzberg jewelry bag and got down on one knee. I should probably interject at this point that Aaron has been getting a lot of pressure on Facebook to propose from my extended family because my cousin recently proposed to his girlfriend and we are apparently the next couple to get engaged. When Aaron went down to one knee I immediately said, "What the hell are you doing?" Aaron just laughed and threw the bag at me. I opened it and found this:
Didn't he do good? He's so sweet! After making him put it on my wrist we went upstairs to show it off to his Mom. Aaron then starts telling her this elaborate story about how Stephanie had told him that I had mentioned I would like to start a bracelet. I couldn't hold it in any longer and I just started laughing. Aaron's response was "You planned all of this...didn't you?"
So I asked, "Did you buy the bracelet or did you get it from Mom?"
His response was "You planning Little....Ugh, I love you!"
He proceeded to tell us how my Mom had slipped him the bracelet and told him exactly what he needed to buy. And the whole ordeal (they tried to get him to buy a ring and sign up for a credit card) he went through at Helzberg that afternoon. Needless to say, his Mom and I were rolling in laughter. It was a great first Valentine's Day!
Let's meet a couple cast members that were introduced today:
That's Aaron! Yep, I'm standing on a stool and am barely taller than him! He is a tech nerd...which sometimes comes in handy. We started dating in September 2011 and have never been happier. Aaron makes me laugh on a daily basis. We laugh like we are best friends, fight like we are married, and protect each other like we are siblings. I've turned him in a Wino. Aaron likes to create things. You'll see some of our creations later! He has made me a more self-confident person. He makes me smile on a daily smile with his over the top puke-in-your-mouth-lovey-doveyness! Love him!
Stephanie! What can I say about Stephanie? I met Stephanie a few years ago when I moved home after college. She is a Mom in the best Scout Troop EVER! Ok, I'm a little bias since my Dad is the Scoutmaster (you'll meet him later). Stephanie is an amazing person. She's always there for her friends and family. We enjoy drinking beer and wine together, looking at Cowboy butts, and jumping the Grand Canyon in every conversation we have. We always say we just alike...scary but also makes for really great stories. Stephanie introduced Aaron and I and we are forever grateful! Remember, Stephanie is also Jersey's girlfriend's Mom!
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
Can we really do this?
I started a blog many years ago and deleted it. I'm going to give it another go! Let's meet the cast and crew of this blog first!
That's me..Becky! The big guy being all cute and loving is Aaron. He'll be a regular cast member on this show. I like to make cupcakes but I don't usually eat them. I'm pretty happy go lucky and love the sound of laughter from anyone. I'm a beer and wine lover. Wineries are a staple in my extracurricular activities. I'm an LCMS Lutheran and darn proud of it. My family and friends make my life worth living. There aren't many days in my life that I am not happy with exactly where I am and who I am with!
This is Jersey! He is the love my life (on four legs)! Jersey came into my life on March 17, 2011 after months of searching for the perfect dog. Stephanie (you'll meet her later...she'll be a regular cast member as well) and I drove to Warrensburg, MO, on St. Patrick's Day, instead of going out and getting crazy for the holiday, and fell in love instantly with this little guy. It took us the entire trip to the Burg and half of the trip home to decide on a name but once we said Jersey we knew it was perfect. Jersey is full of life. He loves playing fetch and eating treats. He is spoiled rotten and is treated like he is a child/grandchild! Jersey thinks he is tough but at 7 pounds how tough is he really? We all let him believe he is tough though! Jersey does have a girlfriend...Her name is Rosie. She is Stephanie's pug (she'll be making make some guest appearances in the show).
That's me..Becky! The big guy being all cute and loving is Aaron. He'll be a regular cast member on this show. I like to make cupcakes but I don't usually eat them. I'm pretty happy go lucky and love the sound of laughter from anyone. I'm a beer and wine lover. Wineries are a staple in my extracurricular activities. I'm an LCMS Lutheran and darn proud of it. My family and friends make my life worth living. There aren't many days in my life that I am not happy with exactly where I am and who I am with!
This is Jersey! He is the love my life (on four legs)! Jersey came into my life on March 17, 2011 after months of searching for the perfect dog. Stephanie (you'll meet her later...she'll be a regular cast member as well) and I drove to Warrensburg, MO, on St. Patrick's Day, instead of going out and getting crazy for the holiday, and fell in love instantly with this little guy. It took us the entire trip to the Burg and half of the trip home to decide on a name but once we said Jersey we knew it was perfect. Jersey is full of life. He loves playing fetch and eating treats. He is spoiled rotten and is treated like he is a child/grandchild! Jersey thinks he is tough but at 7 pounds how tough is he really? We all let him believe he is tough though! Jersey does have a girlfriend...Her name is Rosie. She is Stephanie's pug (she'll be making make some guest appearances in the show).
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