Monday, September 10, 2012

Anniversary Week

It's anniversary week this week!

What does that mean exactly?

Well it means there are a whole lot of numbers going through my head.  And there have been since Friday.

There are always numbers going through my head since I study student accounts all day everyday.  But, since Friday there have been a bunch more!

Friday marked 52 weeks since Aaron got me drunk and we started this crazy relationship!

Saturday marked 52 weeks since Stephanie and I (along with a few other girls) went wine tasting and Stephanie was constantly reassuring me that Aaron was going to call me.

Today marks 52 weeks since I was a royal bitch (pardon my French) all day at work because Aaron hadn't called me yet.  That was the day I decided the 3-day rule (ya know, guys have to wait 3 days to call) was the stupidest rule EVER.  Today also marks 52 weeks since Aaron first called.

That first call was awkward and silly like more first calls.  But looking back it was completely fitting for our relationship.  Aaron and I didn't talk about anything of importance.  We talked about Jersey Shore.  He told me had a mouse in his pocket (I'll fill you in on this mouse later). 

I'm so thankful Aaron got up enough courage and found something to call me about (to this day he swears he didn't call sooner because he didn't think he had anything to talk to me about so he waited until he went to the local community college to discuss going back to school).  He made that day one of the best days of my life!

Wednesday will mark 52 weeks since our first date!  But Friday will mark our 1 year (366 days...stupid leap year) anniversary.

It's been a crazy year with lots of up and downs but I wouldn't want it any other way!